Starter Pack

Simple Website + hosting & e-mails + domain name!

If you are not on the Internet – you do not exist.

Nowadays, running a businesses without an online presence is like running the shop behind closed doors. Websites have become the essential tool for clients contact and obtaining by them information about your company. So we can safely say that if you’re not on the Internet, you do not exist. .

That’s why we’ve created a new “Starter Pack” that has everything you need: a simple presentation website, that provides all necessary information about your activity and thereby makes your company became visible in the Internet and increases your chances of acquire new customers. Hosting and a domain name + a professional email account.

For who?

“Starter Pack” is service created specially for companies that want to be quickly present on the Internet. If you are just starting your adventure in the business world or you have a limited budget this is the perfect solution for you.

You will get from us:

  • Simple but modern website that contains basic information about you company such as: list of services, information about company, contact details, direction map, enquiry form or photos gallery.
  • Professional e-mail box
  • Web Hosting for your Website and E-mail
  • Dedicated domain (with endings)**
  • 24/7h Customer support


How fast will my website be online?

Your new website will be ready in 72h from the moment you pay the invoice and send us the necessary materials (company logo, texts, photos).

Why work with us?


Over 10 years of experience in
the field of creation of websites.


More then 250 projects completed
for companies around Europe.

Satisfaction guaranteed

Affordable prices & high quality
= Satisfaction guaranteed!

Order now:

    * – required fields

    ** Only the first year of hosing & registration of the domain name is included in the price. Each year of domain hosting costs £20 per year (vat excl.)

    Zrób już teraz, pierwszy krok w celu zmienienia swojej strony internetowej w potężne narzędzie do zdobywania nowych klientów!

    Opisz nam swój projekt a my z chęcią skontaktujemy się z Tobą. Oferujemy, darmową i niezobowiązującą konsultację podczas której razem omówimy to co możemy zrobić dla Ciebie i Twojej firmy.