Social Media
“Word-of-mouth marketing has always been important. Today, it’s more important than ever because of the power of the Internet.”
Social Media Marketing is an extremely popular form of internet marketing that uses social networking sites such as Facebook or YouTube as a marketing tool.
The strength of advertising on social media sites, is the ability to establish relationships with clients and very precise “targeting” of advertisements so that they reach the precisely defined target group of customers.
For example, thanks to Facebook advertising platform you can accurately determine the age, sex, city, interests, relationships or professional status of customers you want to display your advertising to.
It is this mix of pure marketing message and active dialogue with clients (eg with the help of your fan-page) that gives you unique communication options that are not found in other forms of online marketing.
What we offer?
- Word-of-mouth marketing based on participation in social media and proposing responses to groups of customers of your products and services in the form of conversations and posts.
- Creating and managing a company fan-page on Facebook
- Creating and optimising ads displayed on Facebook
- Publication and promotion of video ads on YouTube
Why work with us?
- You get systematic reports on the effectiveness of all ads
- You can see all the effects of our work live and you can personally participate in ongoing discussions
- You are guaranteed professional support throughout the period of cooperation with us
Zrób już teraz, pierwszy krok w celu zmienienia swojej strony internetowej w potężne narzędzie do zdobywania nowych klientów!
Opisz nam swój projekt a my z chęcią skontaktujemy się z Tobą. Oferujemy, darmową i niezobowiązującą konsultację podczas której razem omówimy to co możemy zrobić dla Ciebie i Twojej firmy.